Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Over 500 Years Of Marketing Experience Represented At The 2022 Marketing Legends Luncheon

 Jacksonville marketing professionals from the past 4 decades met for the first 2022 “Marketing Legends” luncheon at the Athenian Owl. Representing a variety of marketing expertise, this group of retired, semi-retired and still active professionals, have a combination of over 500 years of experience in the marketing industry. The primary topic of discussion was the massive changes, particularly technological changes, that have occurred since this group first entered the marketplace. In this “Lunch with Les” photo, the participations at this luncheon include (going around the table from left to right) Bill Robinson, marketing consultant; Mary Fisher, Fisher Agency; Mary Harvey, public relations & recruiting specialist; Jim Lanahan, Advanced Direct Marketing; Bob Kidd, Robert Kidd & Associates; Carolyn Gentry, Florida Times Union; Cam Brown, Mission Grant Writing; Les Loggins, Les Loggins Marketing; Joanelle Mulrain, Fisher Agency; Beverly Jelinek Campbell, Burger King Agency; Jerry Campbell, WJXT/WTLV/WAWS/and more. This group, along with other members who could not attend, have played and are still playing a key role in the success of many of the largest businesses in Northeast Florida. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Frank Griffin Switches From Car Dealer To Commercial Real Estate

 Over the years, I have handled the marketing for a good many car dealers throughout Northeast Florida. But the one I enjoyed working for the most was Frank Griffin, who had Volkswagen, Chrysler, Peugeot and Alfa Romeo dealerships. Frank left the car business in 2009 and is now active in commercial real estate and resort rentals in Florida and Tennessee. What made our relationship so enjoyable was that Frank wasn’t really a “car guy,” he is a “people” person. He was always honest in his dealings and he cared about the person having the right car that they could afford. He never pushed or put pressure on anyone. And he is still that way today. If you go anywhere with Frank, he is always complimenting people and encouraging them with kind words. When was the last time you heard this from a car dealer? Frank proved you can be successful in business, in any business, and still treat people with care and respect. Frank got his start in the car business just as he was leaving the Air Force in Germany. He sold cars to servicemen returning to the states after their time in Europe. That is where he discovered that he really enjoyed sales. After serving as sales manager for several of the top car dealers in Jacksonville, he went out on this own. Frank is pictured on the left in this “Lunch with Les” photo.